Shakti Shiva Union
Celebrating Life
Learning to know each other, body, spirit & soul, in our all being, getting back our freedom, living with others in consciousness, including in the sexual dimension.
No longer acting unconsciously, like “living dead persons”, but accepting past experiences to free ourselves. (Re)finding the meaning of “I Am”, celebrating, honoring life in all what happen.
Being in a meditative state, “detached”, in complete presence to oneself, to the other(s), to the world, a state of love in which our joy awakens, being in love for all that is. And rising to a form of natural ecstasy. Until the incarnation.
This state of mindfulness develops through presence to one’s own feelings, self-knowledge and knowledge of the other(s), respect and love of oneself, and of the other(s).
This opens a whole field of possibilities. From then on, relationships are nourishing, fulfilling, liberating, creative.
Intuition & psychic abilities
Find here all workshops for being more conscious, developing your intuitions and hidden abilities . Please keep in mind I can offer you this information in English, by email or through Skype contact if you need.
Heart sharing
In a warmful and happy atmosphere, let’s share our experiences, to free ourselves, lightening and aligning ourselves with our Deep Being. Around the sacred couple, Shakti power, Tantra, or through circles and regular workshops. Please keep in mind I can offer you this information in English, by email or through Skype contact if you need.
Body & senses
Awaking our 9 senses (yes, 9 minimum) and developing a new way of living one’s intimacy. Find here the next seminars. I am available on that matters through individual sessions too.

I have been initiated to Tantra, and I have received other spiritual teachings to develop psychic abilities.
Tantra is a term often misunderstood, diverted. It means: “method”, its practice makes it possible to know oneself better and know deeply the other (spouse, etc, whoever …). This site is for people who are interested in life, who want to know each other better, people who practice or wish to practice meditation, yoga, martial arts, who are interested by personal fulfillment, by Shakti, Dakini power, by Shiva power,;; and also for the therapists, the spiritual beings, people who wish to protect nature, people who have the deep feeling & conscious that life is more than what we are made to believe.
As far as Tantra is concerned, my approach is very clear, subtle and delicate: everything that touches the intimate and sacred field is fragile, vulnerable and powerful at the same time, so I have a framework of safe practice, essential for me.
It is not a site offering erotic or sexual massages. There is no nudity in the workshops. If you are looking for this kind of massages, or workshops, you are not at the right place! I do not answer to these requests. Please respect this.