Who am I?

As a teenager, I felt lost in front of the loving behaviors of friends and their sayings: “she is jealous”, “he has not called me yet”, “I miss you”, “he brokel”,” I left my girlfriend “… and then analysis claiming that “a couple lasts only 3 years “… Love did not seem to bring blossoming … but rather to be close to suffering. Strange! And what about consciousness in all this?
To get out from “having”, from possessiveness in relationships, to simply “be”, in authenticity, every moment, in all circumstances to connect and rise to our True Nature: that was my quest. Life has put on my path in 2011 Philippe Blanchard, whom I thank for his time and his precious teaching that he invited me to convey. I then followed the teaching of Daniel Odier, Patricia Balthus (Belgium), Nathalie Delay, Jacques Ferber in Tantra. I practice tantra yoga regularly. I’ve learned a lot with Serge Boutboul also for development of our psychic abilities. Thanks to them all! I will be pleased to share with you this rich teaching, which has transformed my vision of life & love!